our last good bye

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I guess we never know...

I guess we never know what challenges life will hand to us. Our lives were going along quite uneventfully until the end of May when Tyler was laid-off from ATK. That was a tough challenge but we were dealing with it. Then in early July Tyler went jogging one morning and afterwards developed stomach pain. The pain continued for a couple of days and so we went to have it checked out. Initially we thought it was likely an infectious problem and things improved quickly with antibiotics. After a 3 day hospital stay, the pain resolved and we came home and things returned to normal. We went to Island Park camping with Ty's family for a week and weren't too worried about things Then came the dreaded colonoscopy and it certainly wasn't the news we expected. Colon cancer. How does a 30 year old get colon cancer? The doctors are all scratching their heads because it is so rare in that age group. They are wondering if there might be a genetic link but there is no significant family history of cancer. I suppose it is just one of life's curve balls. Tomorrow we take the first step - surgery. The doctors have told us to expect a 4 week recovery period after the surgery and then Tyler will start chemotherapy if it is indicated. The good news from last week is that the CT scans all looked clear - no signs of metatastasis and the oncologist tells us that there should be a good prognosis. We will know a lot more after tomorrow's surgery. We have good doctors providing the medical care and with the support of our families and friends we will make it through this.


  1. I hope things went well today, call me if you need anything, even an ear to listen...we love you!

  2. Wow what a shocker. So sorry to hear the news. I recently read a book about cancer. I don't have any experience in the area, but it may be worth looking into. It's called The China Study. Your family will be in my prayers.
